I have always been intrigued by the odor of Skunk spray. Though more often than not, it is simply too much to digest when met head-on in its full glory, I have wondered at its perfume potential, well diluted and in minute quantities.
Skunks are traditionally trapped for their fur by aboriginal hunters and trappers in North America. Often there is no use for the scent gland. This offers us a way to honor the animal and use a part of it that may otherwise be discarded. It is an available resource that has little value in any market. Its purchase benefits those that work in the wild and who are often the stewards of our wild places and animal populations.
Made with fresh Skunk glands tinctured in alcohol, a minute amount goes a long long way.
I have found the full strength tincture can only be worked with once diluted to at least 1:50 with alcohol.
You will find the pre-diluted tincture here.https://www.etsy.com/listing/653280351/skunk-perfume-tincture-2-natural
Materials: Perfume alcohol, skunk glands.