Frankincense Papyrifera Sudan Supergrade is an unusually beautiful batch of fresh Frankincense Papyrifera from Sudan-The pieces are well cleaned and sorted, consistently large, Juicy, fresh and fragrant.
Frankincense papyrifera grows mainly in the Tigray area of Northern Ethiopia, in Eritrea to the north and Sudan to the West.
Usually, the Frankincense Papyrifera we see here in the West is sourced from Ethiopia. Every once in a while, I come across a Sudanese harvest, but the quality is on par with the Ethiopian "Export Grade," which is great. However, this time the Sudanese have outdone themselves and raised the bar with Frankincense papyrifera Sudan Supergrade I don't know if this is a quality they can maintain in the long run, so I suggest stocking up while we have it.
Until recently, in our North American market, there was little choice as far as the type of Frankincense resin or essential oil one could buy, and it was almost impossible to acquire the rare types of frankincense such as Frankincense Papyrifera.
Boswellia, or Frankincense Papyrifera is distinguished from other types of Frankincense by the presence of Boswellic acids, Incensole and Incensole Acetate. Studies have shown that Incensole Acetate affects our central nervous system and possesses psychoactive properties. According to studies, Incensole Acetate can generate heightened feelings of well-being and spirituality, reduce anxiety and depression and improve memory function. One can see why this has been an ideal incense for spiritual/religious purposes in churches and temples for millennia.
The Boswellic acids that Frankincense Papyrifera contains have been researched extensively and show powerful therapeutic activity in the lab.
Ruled astrologically by the Sun, all types of Frankincense are anti-inflammatory, calming to the mind and spirit and aid in meditation and spiritual work.
Frankincense has been a valuable commodity and a very important part of our global cultures, religions and trade for thousands of years; highly valued for its medicinal, spiritual and aromatic uses, it is only recently that the different types of Frankincense have been examined closely and their unique chemical compositions studied.
For more information about Frankincense Papyrifera and other Frankincense types, including instructions for preparing medicine and incense from them, please visit my blog in the navigation menu.
Materials: Boswellia Frankincense Papyrifera resin.