Black Fasoukh-oriental Spruce resin. Sustainable Harvest Turkey. Fasoukh, in some cultures called Oshek or Veshek, is an ancient incense material that has been used in spiritual, magical and energetic work for hundreds if not thousands of years in North African, Southern Mediterranean, Arabic and Islamic cultures. Fasoukh is a mainstay of the folk magic practices across a broad geographical area regardless of religion, culture and societal differences.
White Fasoukh is reliably the resin of Ferula Communis while the composition of Black Fasoukh varies from tradition to tradition, culture to culture and geographical areas.
You can find the White Fasoukh in the shop
Black Fasoukh is sometimes found as an incense blend compounded from many ingredients but also commonly found as a single aromatic material and most often a resin. I have come across Black Fasoukh from Morocco, Turkey and even Sudanese Black Fasouk in the famous Addis Ababa Mercato open-air market in Ethiopia. Each differed vastly from the other. Persian Black Fasoukh is the resin from the oriental Spruce tree, picea orientalis.
In general, it is safe to say that White Fasoukh is usually used to open communication with the energetic/spiritual world and in many cultures used to petition the Djinn for favours.
while BlackFasoukh is most often used to cleanse and protect the person and the home, counteract the evil eye and malignant forces whether of human or otherworldly nature. Black Fasoukh is also used for other beneficial purposes such as attracting money, love, good health and prosperity. Though usually burned as an incense, in some cultures a liquid or paste is prepared from Black Fasoukh and used in a floor wash, applied to the soles of one's shoes or to the door frame of one's home to attract the desired outcome or for protection.
This latest batch of Black Fasoukh is composed of the wonderfully sweet and fragrant resin of the Oriental or Caucasian Spruce, a tree native to the Caucasus and the mountains of Northern Turkey. It has a sweeter, more complex and richer aroma than our North American White Spruce and one can easily envision these majestic trees as protectors.
This batch is super fresh and very sticky!! For this reason we have double bagged it. To remove it from the inner bag, place in the fridge or freezer for an hour. then the inner wrapper will peel off easily from the resin.
Black Fasoukh is harvested sustainably from trees high in the Caucasus mountains and is composed of many tiny droplets of resin that have bled from the tree without any human intervention or tapping. On the charcoal, the aroma of Black Fasoukh is truly enchanting.
The resin of Picea orientalis is used in folk medicine in much the same ways as Siberian Cedar and Norway Spruce in preparing a simple salve.
Materials: Natural oleoresins, Picea Orientalis.