Dragon's Blood Resin-Yunnan-Dracaena cochinchinensis.Β
This is a wonderfully sweet and intoxicating Dragon's Blood resin! It is the only Dragon's Blood resin with an aroma before it is burned.
The colour of this Dragon's Blood resin is INTENSE!! I can't wait to make an ink from it.
I have to point out that unlike its Yemenite cousin, medieval Dragon's Blood, which is a species at risk, Yunnan Dragon's Blood resin is sustainably harvested.
The Chinese have developed methods of harvesting the resin from the tree's leaves instead of the bark and wood. The qualities of the leaf resin are identical to those collected from tapping the tree, and the tree is harmed in no way since the leaves are shed from the tree as its branches grow.
If this system could be replicated on the island of Socotra, we could preserve the Socotran Dragon's blood trees and create a sustainable source for their resin.
Yunnan Dragon's Blood resin dissolves especially well in alcohol.
It creates an exceptional dark red ink with a beautiful fragrance.Β Add some Virgin Dragon's Blood to your tincture to create a brighter red colour.
If you are preparing a Dragon's Blood oil, the best material to use is the Virgin Dragons Blood resin, which you will also find in the shop.
Materials: Pure Dragonsblood Resin, Dracaena cochinchinensis.